New phase in preparation
Currently, the 4th phase of the SérocoViD study is being prepared. The proportion of the population immune to SARS-CoV-2 will again be studied in detail in the different age groups. 600 Vaudois who have already participated and 600 new people from a random sample will be invited to take blood samples. The tests will take place between June 1 and 11.
New random sample for phase 4
Preparations are also underway in Zurich for the 4th test phase, which will take place from June to mid-July 2021. A new random sample of 600 people will be invited for the antibody test. In the Ciao Corona school study, the third test phase will be completed in April 2021. In this phase, teachers and parents were also tested again. The Zurich Coronavirus Cohort Study team is currently focusing on data analysis and writing the scientific reports.
Phase 4 of Corona Immunitas
After all results of the 3rd phase were evaluated and communicated, the team of Corona Immunitas Ticino started with the preparations for the next phase. This s planned for June/July 2021. In this 4th phase, approximately 900 randomly selected project participants of all ages will be invited for a free serological test.
Analysis of the collected data
In the last month, the focus has been on analyzing the results collected through the weekly and monthly questionnaires completed by the participants. This is to learn and quantify the psychological, social and economic impact of the epidemic. In addition, complementary projects were activated to explore perceptions related to vaccination. Results will be shared via the Science in a MinuteYouTube channel, in the media, and on social media. Both data analysis and data collection work will continue in the coming months, allowing teams to focus on monitoring the impact of the pandemic and producing scientific publications.
Definition of the criteria
Geneva is preparing the next phase of the study, that should start in June. The team is working on defining the criteria of the population that is going to be included.
Testing 600 participants
We are currently finalizing the report on phase 3 of Corona Immunitas, which includes 400 participants from across the canton of Bern. In addition, our team is preparing for the next phase of the study, which will start in early June and continue until July, with the goal of recruiting 600 participants this time.
Phase 4 begins in April
The team in Winterthur is currently working on the analysis of the data from Phase III and writing the report. In addition, they are preparing Phase 4 which will already start end of April.
Report published
The third wave of Corona Immunitas Fribourg is now completed. The proportion of people with antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in their blood has risen from 8% (October 2020) to 19% (December 2020). You can find more information in our recently published report Corona Immunitas Fribourg Immunité de la population Episode 2/2021.
Second antibody test
The longitudinal Corona Immunitas Nestlé study is currently analyzing the results from the baseline part (December 2020 to February 2021); a report is being written. Preparations are underway for the second data collection which should start mid-May. The participants of the first phase will be invited for a second serological test to assess the evolution of antibody levels.
Expected final results and preparations for Phase 4
The latest results of phase 3 have been received and confirm the increase in immunity observed between autumn 2020 and the beginning of 2021; seroprevalence in Neuchâtel is estimated at 22.1% in mid-March 2021. The Neuchâtel team is now in the process of drafting the reports presenting the results of phases 2 and 3 and those of the Quid Covid survey conducted in autumn 2020. In addition, although discussions are still ongoing, Neuchâtel is likely to take part in phase 4 and has yet to determine exactly when this will take place.
St. Gallen
Data for nationwide children's project
Recruitment of study participants for test phase III in the cantons of St. Gallen and Graubünden was completed in March. Data analysis has begun for the children and adolescents study group. The data collected in eastern Switzerland will feed into a nationwide children's project of the Corona Immunitas study. Preparations for participation in the fourth study test phase with new participants have already begun.
Next phase is being planned
Planning and preparations for phase 4 are in full swing in Lucerne. This phase will take place in early summer 2021. This time, 300 adults per age group will be invited to participate in the study from a new sample randomly selected by the Federal Statistical Office to test for antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Further study participants invited
The COVCO study will continue in the spring and additional study participants will be invited. The aim is to examine the further course of infection and the influence of progressive vaccination, and to study the long-term impact of the pandemic on the economy, society and the health and well-being of the population. By the end of March, around 700 additional people had been tested for antibodies, and their results are continuously being evaluated.