One Year Corona Immunitas

Exactly one year ago, the SSPH+ literally launched Corona Immunitas overnight. From then on, work has been in full swing to carry out and drive forward the national and globally unique antibody study. What has happened since then?

Grafik Schweiz

Facts & Figures

A total of 5 test phases will be conducted from April 2020 to December 2021. Each test phase has specific objectives..

The participation rate in the digital follow-up is continuously between 75 and 80%. That is very gratifying! Even if you are already vaccinated, your answers are very helpful for us.

As of today, over 50,000 people have participated in the Corona Immunitas study. We sincerely thank you for your continued commitment!

Corona Immunitas has over 50 publications in the pipeline or already published. We are pleased that the results are also attracting great interest internationally.

As a public-private partnership, Corona Immunitas is supported and co-financed by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) as well as several cantons, renowned companies and private individuals. 55% of the funds come from private sources and 45% from public sources. A big thank you to all sponsors!

To coordinate the more than 40 studies, regular meetings are needed. Most of these have taken place virtually and amount to over 125 in number.

With Science in a Minute, complex scientific topics are explained simply in about one minute. So far, 24 videos have been produced in German, French and Italian.

Thanks to the 14 participating sites, Switzerland is represented nationwide. This is important for the analysis of the data.

The results of the Corona Immunitas studies have been met with great interest both nationally and internationally. There are now over 2,000 mentions in the media.

Transparent and regular communication is important. So far, 46 internal and external newsletters have been sent out to keep all the people involved up to date.