The study aims to promote understanding of transmission and possible immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in the population of Vaud in order to support public health decisions.
Purpose : To measure the proportion of antibody carriers among people working in areas of high exposure due to proximity to clients and other employees and to understand the factors of transmission and susceptibility to COVID-19.
Participants : Various companies were identified as being particularly at risk. They were contacted and their employees were asked to participate in the study on a voluntary basis. In the end, the study was based on 104 public transport employees.
Process : A blood test and analysis of the presence of antibodies was carried out in May 2020. At the same time, participants completed a questionnaire on the possible appearance of coronavirus-related symptoms and the impact of the pandemic on their personal lives.
Study conducted by Unisanté, the University Centre for General Medicine and Public Health of Lausanne - Vaud.
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