Frontiers is a leading Open Access research publisher and Open Science platform on a mission to enable healthy lives on a healthy planet. The organization makes research results openly available and empowers researchers with cutting-edge tools and technology that radically improves how science is reviewed, published, and disseminated. Currently ranked as the world’s 5th most-cited scholarly publisher, Frontiers is one of the largest and fastest-growing academic publishing platforms. 100,000 leading academics serve as editors and reviewers on research journals spanning more than 800 academic disciplines.
Frontiers is a leading Open Access Publisher and Platform

Frontiers’ mission is to make science open. Research is the foundation of modern society and it’s thanks to advances in science that we enjoy longer, healthier and more prosperous lives than ever before in human history. Frontiers seeks to build on successful science and make it even more powerful by ensuring it is openly available. This way, society will be able to generate more knowledge and accelerate innovation, health and prosperity for all. To achieve this goal, Frontiers pioneered an in-house Open Science technology platform. This includes a collaborative peer review platform, a digital editorial office, article-level metrics and AIRA, an Artificial Intelligence Review Assistant.